Not too soon after starting Uniform Mom, I ran across a uniform exchange program at a Cary Christian School in Cary, North Carolina. I haven't yet been able to connect with anyone that runs the program, but I can see from t
heir Facebook updates, they are preparing for another event at the end of May.
They began communicating the date of the annual sale about 3 months in advance. They then distributed details on how to participate as a seller about a month out giving families plenty of time to sort through the closet and find items still in good condition that the kids have outgrown.
Sellers are provided guidelines how to price their items based on condition. They are also advised what items are acceptable based on the school's updated dress code. They are asked to hang and tag the items with a simple coding system used for the event. Items that do not sell can be returned to the families or donated. The seller is promised 75% of the purchase price and payment is sent via check approximately 10 days after the event. The event organizers will tag the items for you for an additional fee.
Buyers are asked to bring cash in small denominations or a check for payment. Shopping is open for a short two-hour window of time. The items are organized by type of item and size making it easy to find exactly the items you need in your child's wardrobe.
The event itself looks to involve several stages for the organizers:
- Advertising and pre-preparation logistics
- Event set up
- Drop off hours for the sellers to bring items to the event (3 hrs)
- The sale hours when the event is open to buyers (2 hrs)
- Hours for sellers to pick up unsold items (2 hrs)
- Post event cleanup and unsold item donation
- Event accounting close out and disbursement of the funds to sellers
It appears to be a large event that is well orchestrated. If you are looking to host a similar event for your school, you can
reference their event flyer for details. We'd love to hear from you if you've participated with this event, please share your experience in the comments below. I always like to learn of other exchange programs. If you know of one in your area, please
contact me directly.