At the time, my daughter was just growing into size 6 clothing. Trying to stretch the life of the uniform item, I had her try on both a 6 and a 6x. The 6x fit only after I adjusted the waist to the tightest button. We bought the 6x and she wore it to school the first week. As I was getting her dresses for school that morning, I realized how small the button was on the top of the side zipper. What was I thinking? A side zipper! She's never worn bottoms with a side sipper before. And although she can manage buttons herself, large buttons are easier for her than small ones. What if she struggles with it in the restroom and I'm not there to help her? I made it a point to show her how it worked. Since she seemed unfazed, so I let go of my concern and thought, "we'll see".
She did not report back any issues getting in and out of it in the restroom. It looked as good on her at the end of the day as it did that morning, so she then wore it again the following week before I washed it. After washing, it needed touched up with an iron. The pleats held their form fine, but the bottom hem needed ironed flat. When we went to put it on her again, we couldn't get it buttoned. I loosened the adjustable waist a few buttons and we tried again. I loosened it to the loosest button, it closed but it was tight. She didn't like the way it felt, so that was that. She was done with that skort.
So because the item shrunk in the wash, we did not get the amount of use from it that I was hoping. At full price, it cost $27. It is currently on sale for $14.99. I doubt we'll purchase this item again. Because it otherwise seems to be a good quality and would last the school year, I would pick one up at a uniform exchange in a size larger than my daughter is currently wearing. I'll be donating ours to our local uniform exchange program and hope that another girl is able to make good use of it.
I would be interested to here from others that own this skort. Did you have the same or a different experience? Please let us know in the comments below.
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