Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Adventrure of Ai, eBook Giveaway Signups #BloggerOp

Bloggers are invited to help promote the Adventrure of Ai, eBook Giveaway.  The giveaway is sponsored by Adventures of Ai, a children's eBook written by New York Times bestselling author, Craig Bouchard. The story is a part non-fiction and part fiction fantasy targeted at girls and boys ages 9-12 for the pressures they will encounter as they grow up, and incorporates subjects like art, history, poetry, music and mathematics.

Giveaway Details:

  • Free Facebook or Twitter Link on Rafflecopter Form for posting this giveaway on your blog.
  • Prize: 2 Winners. Each will get a copy of the eBook.
  • It will run from July 16 - August 1 at midnight, 2014. 
  • Giveaway will be Open Worldwide 


Family Friendly Blogs only.  Questions: please contact me at

Monday, July 7, 2014

Pin these Budget Friendly School Uniforms for Boys

If you have a tight Back to School Budget, check out these school uniform options for boys:

Follow Uniform Mom's board Best Bets for 2014 Back to School Uniforms for Boys on Pinterest.

The Kickoff of the 2014 Back to School Shopping Season

Have you seen the Back to School ads popping up in the weekly circulars and in your inbox?

I am now more attuned to the retail cycle that I was before I started this blog, but it still seems really early. My daughter just got out of school 2 weeks ago, and the neighboring school district, that had even more snow days to make up this year, got out last week.  But here we are kicking off the Back to School shopping season.

According to National Retail Federation’s 2013 Back-to-School survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, families are paying attention to these deals earlier than ever before: 24 percent of consumers with children in grades K-12 last year said they began shopping for school items at least two months before school started, a significant increase from 15 percent in 2007.
"In places like New York City where school ended just a few days ago, preparing for “back to school” can be hard to believe for some parents. But for families who wish to avoid the long lines typically associated with late August school and college shopping, spread out their spending and ensure they get their hands on the hottest products at a reasonable price – some retailers have them covered."
By Kathy Grannis The National Retail Federation 

The research from the NRF's Retail Insight Center shows that over 76% of adults in households with school aged children say that the economy will impact their Back to School Shopping.  The chart below shows how:
Economy's Impact On BTS Plans
Among households with a school age child
Charts from the NRF Foundation’s Retail Insight Center.
 To access this data and more research please visit the Retail Insight Center.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Steps to Throw a Green Summer Party

As summertime begins and families head to the beach, the park, the mountains and other favorite spots in the great outdoors, it’s a good time to remember there are easy ways to celebrate our love of Mother Nature by throwing a green party. This post was submitted by Sandra Ann Harris Founder at ECOlunchbox, our affiliate partner.
Affiliate Links in Use
Thank you for Supporting Uniform Mom

Step 1: Location, Location, Location

Pick a picnic spot you can walk, bike or boat to or arrive by public transit. If that's not possible, carpool with friends.

Step 2: Choose an Eco-friendly Invitations

Whether throwing a baby shower, a beach party, birthday picnic or backyard BBQ, you’ve got to let your guests know about the green fun you're planning in eco-friendly style! If it's a neighborhood party, print invites on recycled paper and personally hand them to guests. Or use electronic invitations, which are convenient and don't waste paper.

Step 3: Green Menu Planning

Great produce makes the chef's job super easy. Think simple. Finger foods like cut fruit, nuts, local honey and peanut butter sandwiches are simple and nourishing for all ages. Also, some cheeses, like brie and camembert, are lovely softened in the sun over fresh-baked bread.

Farmer's markets have the freshest and tastiest fruits and vegetables available from the area. Organic products are hormone and pesticide-free, making them safe to eat.

Make your own beverage and serve it in a plastic-free pitcher. That way you don't have to deal with all the cans and bottles.

Step 4: Waste-Free Dinnerware

Say goodbye to throw-aways and plastics. Ask picnickers to BYO dishes, water bottles, utensils, etc. This can be done tastefully if you explain you're hosting a zero-waste party and need some help to accomplish this.

If that’s not your style, pack a sturdy cardboard box with reusable items to share with your invitees, such as non breakable stainless steel picnic plates, reusable bamboo utensils, reusable straws, washable cotton napkins and sturdy mason jars for use as cups.

Sure you may have to do some washing, but much of this stuff will naturally decompose. Plus, you're saving money by going waste free.

Step 5: Showcase Mother Nature

Nature’s beauty is inspiring when it comes to setting the table in eco-style. Leaves, flowers, pinecones, twigs, seashells and other natural treasures can be showcased on your eco-friendly BBQ or green a beach party blanket.

Step 6: Clean up!

Clearly mark bins for recycling, compost and waste for your guests. Since most public parks don't separate waste and your efforts will end up in the trash, toss your separated bags into the trunk to put out with your recycling/trash pickup at home.

ECOlunchbox is offering several summer specials:

Beach and BBQ Picnic Kits at

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Back to School Uniform Best Bets for Boys

Best Bets are lists of carefully selected suggestions for your Back to School shopping list. I've done all the homework for you. I've reviewed the school uniform collection from all the major retailers, compared features, sizes and color selection. Then compared the prices for these uniform staples and identified the target price range for each item. Even the highest priced and best quality items can be had for a price in the target range by a savvy shopper at some point through the season.

Browse the following articles to help plan your shopping priorities. Although originally published in 2013, each of these posts have been reviewed for accuracy and updated for 2014 due to selection and pricing changes at the retailers.
(photo used with permission from Microsoft)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Back to School Uniform Best Bets for Girls

Best Bets are lists of carefully selected suggestions for your Back to School shopping list. I've done all the homework for you. I've reviewed the school uniform collection from all the major retailers, compared features, sizes and color selection. Then compared the prices for these uniform staples and identified the target price range for each item. Even the highest priced and best quality items can be had for a price in the target range by a savvy shopper at some point through the season.
Browse the following articles to help plan your shopping priorities. Although originally published in 2013, each of these posts have been reviewed for accuracy and updated for 2014 due to selection and pricing changes at the retailers.
(photo used with permission from Microsoft)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Helpful Technology for Parents

There are so many ways I use technology everyday to help with parenting and everyday household tasks.
  • Use the reminders on my phone to jot down key to-dos with deadlines.
  • I use maps to navigate to play dates and birthday parties.
  • The phone camera - I used to carry a separate camera in my purse and take it with me everywhere so you can always capture that cute shot at the park or at the playground.  Then one day I realized that the camera on my phone was better quality then the camera in my purse. No reason to carry the camera anymore.
  • Book and Game Apps - to entertain our daughter in waiting rooms.
  • Calendar - All activities go on the calendar with invites to Dad so we both have it on our radar and can coordinate schedules.
The folks at Vanaia LLC offered to let me to take a look at their new productivity app, ScanWritr.  It is another tool that fits right in a Mom's toolkit.  The description of the new app is below:
ScanWritr is a fast-growing, easy-to-use professional document scanner and PDF converter. Simply scan that sheet of paper, watch as app’s Real-Time Edge Detection does its trick, fill out the blanks, sign it, convert to PDF and send it to the receiver via e-mail, fax, social media etc. – all within the comfort of your own mobile device!
 They created this video as a Tribute to the Modern Mom:


There are many useful reasons to get this app, but the first one to come to mind is to use it as a tool to deal with all of the cute stuff that comes home from school in the book bag. My daughter brings home a ton of art projects and homework assignment that are so sweet that you want to save them all. The problem is that if you did, you'd end each school year with a big box full of mementos. Don't know about you, but we don't have enough space to hold on to those items. This app gives you a way to scan and save the precious artwork in electronic format. You can then backup those documents with all of the photos and videos that we take and keep for sentimental reasons. 

You can check out the new ScanWritr app on iTunes, GooglePlay, Windows Phone, or on the Blackberry. There is a free and a pay version of the app. 
The tokens can be redeemed within the app – no purchase of any kind is required, since we also offer the free version of ScanWritr app. Vanaia LLC is giving away free promotional codes for the premium version of the app.  The details are below:
About the giveaway:

For Andorid, Windows Phone & Blackberry users: the code for a free fax token is: “SCANWRITRFREEFAXTOKEN”. There are 1000 codes in the total value of $990, which can be redeemed until 15th of July or until the 1000th was claimed.

For iOS users: there are 100 promo codes for ScanWritr Pro on iOS (premium version of the app, which otherwise costs $3.99)  A list of iOS giveaway codes can be found in this shared file. Each code can be redeemed only once.  Please note which code you redeem by placing a strikethrough that specific code, so others can move on to the next code in the list. Instructions on how to redeem iOS promo codes.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chores and Allowance: Teaching Kids about Money

kid holding broom
My daughter wanted to get another new Barbie set. At the time, we had just celebrated the Christmas and her birthday, so I refused - thinking to myself that one more toy was the last thing that she needed. Later when she was counting up the money in her piggy bank, I saw an opportunity that educators call "a teachable moment". I suggested that she had enough money to buy herself that Barbie toy. She considered the idea and agreed to spend her money on the toy.

Later that week, we visited the local Target store. She picked out her toy and carried it proudly around the store as I picked up the items from my regular shopping list. At the checkout, I told her to get in line in front of me. When it was her turn, she handed the cashier the Barbie set and then handed her a twenty dollar bill. The cashier gave her a few coins in change with her toy in a bag. She was so happy to get the new toy, she stood beaming with pride while I checked out with my items.

That week she played with her new toy and decided that she wanted yet another one. Again we visited the local Target store and repeated the shopping experience for another $20. The following week, when she wanted a third new toy, we recounted the money in her piggy bank. To her disappointment, she didn't have enough money for it.

This presented part two of the teachable moment - earning money.

Later that evening, her Dad and I talked about starting an allowance plan. Like many families, we debated the pros and cons of weekly allowance verses a plan to allow her to earn money for performing household chores. While there are benefits that having a weekly allowance can teach the kids the value of saving money over time. However, we didn't like the idea of giving her money for money's sake.

I spent the evening reading a bunch of parenting articles online trying to figure out-
  1. How much allowance is appropriate for her age? 
  2. What chores are age appropriate? 
The best advice I found is that the amount of the allowance should be appropriate to how you expect them to spend the allowance. For example, a teenager might get a higher allowance and be expected to use the money to buy their lunch at school each day and have a little extra to save up for a special item.

The other consensus from my reading seemed to indicate that a dollar a week for each year of their age is an appropriate dollar value. Seven bucks a week for my seven year old? While I wanted her to be able to save up in a reasonable amount of time to get herself that new toy as a reward for disciplined savings, it seemed like too much money for no effort.

So, I kept reading and researched age appropriate chores. I found a list of chores that I thought she was capable of performing regularly. I then devised a system which, at least to me, seemed like a nice compromise.

Chores for our seven year old:
  • Cleaning the Playroom
  • Assisting with unloading the dishwasher
  • Set the table for dinner
  • Clear the table after dinner
  • Swiffering the upstairs bathrooms
  • Swiffering the downstairs (bathrooms and kitchen)
  • Water the plants
  • Sort the laundry
  • Fold and put away own laundry
  • Gather trash from the wastebaskets
We agreed to give her an allowance of $3 a week. The catch was that this amount could be reduced for bad behavior such as the occasional 7yr old tantrum, not cooperating with a reasonable request from Mom or Dad, etc. The upside, is that she could earn additional money (around $3-4 a week) for doing chores around the house. A "big" chore like cleaning the playroom would earn her a dollar, while small chores like swiffering the floors or watering the plants earned her a quarter. Chores were divided into categories of things she could do daily, a few times a week, or weekly. I created a flyer that could hang on the refrigerator and be used to keep track. If she missed her opportunity to help sort the laundry on laundry day, then she missed that opportunity to earn money for that chore for the week.

We explained to her they new system at dinner one evening and hung the new chart on on fridge. She set a goal to buy herself an American Girl doll. In another post, I'll share with you how this system has been working for us so far.

(image used with permission from Microsoft)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

2014 Back to School Giveaway Hop #BloggerOpp

2014 Back to School Giveaway Hop

Giveaway Hop Details:

  • This is a themed event to celebrate the Back to School season. All giveaway prize items must relate to children's clothing, shoes, accessories, school supplies, sports equipment, educational games or products. Any unrelated submissions will be deleted.
  • This event will run from July 14 {12:01 am EST} through August 18th {11:59 pm EST}.
  • Each blog in this event will have at least 1 prize of $25, per winner. You may have more than 1 Prize, but please make sure they have a combined value of at least $25.
  • The dates of your giveaway must active during the date range of the hop: July 14, 2014 through August 18, 2014. They do not need to match exactly.
  • Closed giveaways will be removed to keep the links relevant.

Blogger Requirements:

  • While not required, we'd love it if you'd display the Linky button (from above) on your site.
  • Your giveaway should have at least 1 easy entries. There is no limit on extra entries.
  • You must include proper disclosures and follow guidelines from social media sites (no FB comments, no Google + entries, no Pinterest follows as entries.)

Ready to Link up?

If you are a store or company looking to promote your product or brand in this Giveaway Hop Event, contact me to discuss sponsorship opportunities.

If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers

Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Mom's Guide to Surviving Dance Rehearsal and Recitals

Mother and daughter in dance costume
(c) Rene Shonerd All rights reserved.
If you are new to dance recitals, you are probably wondering what to expect and how best to prepare. Having been through the recital routine for many years as a student and now as a dance mom, I thought I'd share my approach.

Pack snacks and activities to keep kids busy backstage.

Give this some thought beforehand.  If you wait until last minute, you are likely to forget or to make less than ideal choices.  The anxiety of performing on stage puts many young dancers on edge and rehearsal day can be one of the longest days of the year.   Since most young girls do not do the whole "waiting quietly" thing very well, many things can go wrong backstage.  Food or drink can get spilled on the costume.  The costume can get rumpled while sitting down.  Boredom takes hold quickly and stomachs begin to growl. All of these things can lead to backstage tantrums by children or by the grown ups.  

To keep the peace, pack activities that can entertain and that can be shared.  Coloring books or Mad Lib books are a great idea. Take only colored pencils which are less likely to make a mark on a costume.  Markers and crayons are a no-no. Reading books are good for those of reading age. Playing cards and travel games are also a good choice.  Toys that make noise are a very bad choice.

For snacks, avoid things that could leave stains or make a bunch of crumbs.  While fresh fruit such as apple slices or grapes are good, messy fruit like watermelon is not. Carrot sticks and celery work well, but I wouldn't advise giving the little ones any dip while in costume.   Avoid potato chips and Doritos that lead to orange fingers.  And avoid chocolate anything. For drinks, stick to water or clear juices such as apple juice.  If you allow soda, stick to a lemon lime variety.

Packing Costumes

  • Hang each costume on its own hanger.
  • Tights - you probably purchased new ones just for the recital. If you haven't, you probably should.
  • Take an pair of extra tights in each color used with each costume. If you get a run in the tights backstage, it is better to change into the tights you've been wearing to class all year than wear tights with a run onstage.  So pack your old tights as backup. 
  • Ensure you have all accessories for each costume such as hair pieces, gloves, etc.  Even with one costume, you may have some accessories for tap and different accessories for ballet.  Pack items for each in a clear plastic bag and label them with the dancer's name and the class name.
  • Then pack the jewelry that will be used with costumes suc h as earrings, necklace chokers, ribbon chokers, etc. Again, plastic bags labeled.
  • Before you pack your dance shoes, clean them.  Wipe tap shoes with a damp cloth and rub off any scuff marks.  Clean leather ballet slippers with a damp cloth and a touch, just a touch, of hand or dish soap. You'll be surprised how well they clean up.

Getting Ready

Most studios encourage you to NOT to travel to the rehearsal or recital in costume.  If you've every tried to get a seat belt around a tutu, you understand why. Besides the undesired wrinkles, by getting dressed backstage you simply avoid opportunities for something to get spilled or smudged on the costume.  You can do much of the stage preparation at home before you leave for the recital venue.

If your dancer wears "everyday" jewelry, take it off.  Put baby powder on her legs to make it easier to get tights on during hot and humid weather.  Baby powder also helps make itchy costumes feel less itchy.  If your child is in multiple numbers, they might be wearing different colors tights for each dance, such as pink for ballet and tan for tap.   Go ahead and put on tights for the dance that will be performed first.

If she has a quick costume change, then put one pair of tights over the other, with the color that match the costume for the 1st number to be performed on top. Once backstage for a quick chance, she can take off the top pair, but then not have to fuss with getting into fresh tights when already sweaty.

Since you don't want to wear the costume in the car, give her a pair of shorts or a skirt to wear over the tights. Maxi skirts are perfect as they cover and protect the tights from any snags in route. On top, opt for a button-up shirt for traveling to the recital location, so you don't have to pull a t-shirt over her finished bun.

For girls with longer hair, you've likely been instructed by the studio to style your daughter's hair in a high bun.  Do her hair at home while it is still wet, or at least damp.  It will give you the clean, slick look with no wisps or strays.  It is also easier to work with and pin. There are some great tools out there these days to help create the perfect ballerina bun, but each of them takes practice to learn to use them with ease.  Watching videos on You Tube can be very helpful.  After the hair is tied back in a perfect bun, then do the stage make up.  For tips and how to's, you can check out my recent post on stage makeup.

"Just in Case" Supplies for Backstage

Even when you've done hair and makeup at home ahead of time, you might need touch ups.  You also want to be prepared with a few tools to handle any mishaps backstage.
  • Bobby pins
  • Safety pins (various sizes)
  • Hair brush/comb
  • Makeup bag
  • Hair spray
  • Travel sewing kit 
The costumes used by most studios today are mass produced and low quality.  The last few years, I've experienced backstage mishaps when costume accessories or straps have failed in some manner.  For example, last year my daughter's costume had a fake buckle on the straps.  That buckle broke off two different costumes backstage while the girls were getting dressed.  With my handy sewing kit and despite by novice sewing skills, I was able to tack the buckle to the costumes so it wasn't noticeable to the audience. I ran out of time and fastened the second buckle with a bobby pin and a hairband. Both impromptu repairs lasted through the performance and until the next costume change, which is all that was needed. Moral of the story is to be prepared and be resourceful.

Once you arrive and get your dancer changed into her first costume, then you can take some pictures backstage. But please, DO NOT take any pictures in the dressing room itself. Even if your young dancer is photo ready, you must be mindful of mirrors and reflections that might capture other dancers in a state of undress. Instead, go into a hallway outside the dressing room.  You can take family pictures after the show when everyone is relaxed.

Good luck surviving dress rehearsal and the recital.

Have additional suggestions? Please share them in the comments below.

Shipping starting at $2.95

Friday, June 20, 2014

How to Apply Stage Makeup for the Annual Dance Recital

Young Dancer wearing stage makeup
(c) Rene Shonerd All rights reserved.

It's dance recital season! Every year, dance studios all over the country hold the annual dance recital. The kids have been practicing their dance routines, costumes are purchased, and the kids are ready to get dressed up and show off their skills to friends and family. I've been through this process myself many times as a child.  I am dancing again as an adult and will be in this year's recital and my daughter will be performing in her 3rd. After having more than 20 of these under my belt, I thought I would take the opportunity to talk about stage make up and share some lessons learned.

Why use stage make up at all?

Some parents that are new to dance ask why a young child needs to wear any makeup at all. I agree that our young dancers are naturally beautiful as is, and that any makeup, yet alone heavy makeup, is inappropriate on a young child. However, I do understand the need to use stage makeup on the young dancers.

When you sit in the audience of a dance recital watching kids other than your own, you might 1) pick out the best dancer in the group or 2) be entertained watching a seriously cute young lady try to overcome stage fright and 3) you also notice the kids on stage with either too little or too much stage make up. When parents are afraid to put makeup on their child, the child sticks out looking like a pale ghost under the bright stage lights. On the other hand, when the makeup goes too far, the child can end up looking like a clown.

Striking the right balance is key! 

Some dance studios will provide you guidelines for how to apply stage makeup. The studio where my daughter and I attend even sells recommended products in carefully selected colors right in the studio. Other studios allow parents more flexibility with their selections.

Items from my stage makeup kit:

I think at a bare minimum, you need blush, mascara and lipstick on a young dancer.  With my daughter, I will be  combining some of my everyday products with studio's suggested products. Here are the products I plan to use this year.
  • Bebe cream -  apply it just to cover any imperfections or to even out the skin tone.  It also makes blush easier to apply. We like this one.
  • Blush - apply it heavier than your normal daily routine to compensate for the bright stage lights.
  • Eye shadow - I recommend a natural color. Our studio recommends a gold shimmer (like this one).  Avoid blue which can easily look clownish on stage. 
  • Eye liner, depending on your child's tolerance for it. Avoid pure black with young girls with light coloring. Instead opt for a brown or plum/raisin color. Skip it all together if putting it on causes tears and messes up the other makeup you've already applied.
  • Mascara is a must to open up the eyes. I use the blink method with my daughter, where I hold the wand near her eye and let her blink slowly to apply the mascara.  Put it on the lower lids, only if it doesn't cause an upset. 
  • Clear mascara (we use this one) on the eyebrows. When you comb the brow with the wand and it darkens them just a bit.  I recommend it instead of an eyebrow powder or pencil which can smear easy.
  • Glue and Eye Glitter - This is new to me, but it is popular with many studios these days. This is where I think the stage makeup goes beyond enhancing natural beauty and adjusting for the stage lighting. If you do have to use it, it is important not to go overboard. I've seen some otherwise beautiful young ladies look utterly ridiculous under a heavy application of eye glitter. To apply it, use the specialty products designed to be used on the eyelid which will not irritate the eye.  You apply the clear glue using the built in applicator (like this one), then lightly dab the glitter (like this one) on the upper lid with your fingertip.  
  • Lipstick - It is important to use a dark pinkish/red color which blends well with many costume colors. I've seen some really bad lipstick color choices make a child stand out in a bad way on stage. Avoid orangish or coral colors altogether. Browns don't give enough color under the stage lights . And gloss without color doesn't translate well on stage. In fact, I would avoid a glossy product altogether. Because your little one may be sitting backstage for long stretches waiting for her moment to shine. I recommend lip stains that do not easily kiss off and are less likely to end up as a smear on a costume from a backstage mishap.

Shop leotards, tights, shorts, shoes and more

Monday, June 16, 2014

Night of Strategy Board Game Giveaway (Ends 6/30)

Welcome to the Night of Strategy Board Game Giveaway!

Sponsored by: Winning Moves USA

Hosted by: Gloriously Green Gal & Savory Savings

Co-hosted by: Joy Makin' Mamas, Dividing by Zero,
Not My Circus, Not My MonkeysUniform Mom,
& Michigan Saving & More

#giveaway #boardgame

Board games are a wonderful way to bring together family and friends for an evening of fun and laughter. Want to bring out the competitive side? Try a few rounds of strategy games like Risk (ok, so this may be the whole evening!) or Aggravation and you will see a different side of friends and family! Krista over at Savory Savings recently reviewed three strategy based board games for Winning Moves and shared her thoughts in this board game review!

How would you like to win three strategy board games from Winning Moves? If you would like a chance to win, enter with the Giveaway Tool below. If you have won a Winning Moves giveaway anytime from another blog in the last 12 months, you are not eligible to win this giveaway. The giveaway will run from June 16, 2014 through June 30, 2014 at 11 PM CST and is open to US residents, ages 18 and older. Entries will be verified. Winner will be notified via email (consider adding to your safe list) – winner will have 48 hours to respond and claim prize or another winner will be selected.

Good Luck!

Krista from Gloriously Green Gal and Savory Savings received products from this sponsor to facilitate her review, no other compensation was received. All participating blogs are not responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is in no way associated with social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Dad, My Superhero Sweepstakes

From now until June 24th, anyone can enter for free to have his/her dad immortalized as a superhero in an upcoming FarFaria ( ) story. The winner will receive a copy of the book and a superhero bobble head that looks just like Dad's superhero character.

Enter the sweepstakes at

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Re-Threads, a uniform consignment exchange in Cary, NC

Not too soon after starting Uniform Mom, I ran across a uniform exchange program at a Cary Christian School in Cary, North Carolina.  I haven't yet been able to connect with anyone that runs the program, but I can see from their Facebook updates, they are preparing for another event at the end of May.

They began communicating the date of the annual sale about 3 months in advance.  They then distributed details on how to participate as a seller about a month out giving families plenty of time to sort through the closet and find items still in good condition that the kids have outgrown.

Sellers are provided guidelines how to price their items based on condition. They are also advised what items are acceptable based on the school's updated dress code. They are asked to hang and tag the items with a simple coding system used for the event.  Items that do not sell can be returned to the families or donated.  The seller is promised 75% of the purchase price and payment is sent via check approximately 10 days after the event.  The event organizers will tag the items for you for an additional fee.

Buyers are asked to bring cash in small denominations or a check for payment. Shopping is open for a short two-hour window of time.  The items are organized by type of item and size making it easy to find exactly the items you need in your child's wardrobe.

The event itself looks to involve several stages for the organizers:
  1. Advertising and pre-preparation logistics
  2. Event set up
  3. Drop off hours for the sellers to bring items to the event (3 hrs)
  4. The sale hours when the event is open to buyers (2 hrs)
  5. Hours for sellers to pick up unsold items (2 hrs)
  6. Post event cleanup and unsold item donation
  7. Event accounting close out and disbursement of the funds to sellers
It appears to be a large event that is well orchestrated.  If you are looking to host a similar event for your school, you can reference their event flyer for details. We'd love to hear from you if you've participated with this event, please share your experience in the comments below.  I always like to learn of other exchange programs. If you know of one in your area, please contact me directly.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

FarFaria 3 month Membership Giveaway (Ends 6/1)

FarFaria is an app that provides the perfect story time experience. With unlimited reading from their library of more than 600 amazing children’s stories—and five new ones added each week—story time has never been easier. Created for children ages 2-9, FarFaria helps children develop a passion for reading and encourages families to spend quality time reading together. 

     Interactive experience is fun for kids and easy for parents
     Every story can be read aloud with a Read-to-Me feature.
     Reading-level badge on every story cover.
     Offline access to read Favorite stories.
     No advertising. No hidden fees.

Try FarFaria for Free: 
Download FarFaria and read one story every day for free with no obligation to pay:
iOS users can Download from iTunes and Android users can download from Google Play.

Uniform Mom recently had an opportunity to check out the app in preparation to host this giveaway.  You can check out her review of Farfaria to learn more about it. You can also connect with FarFaria online at their website or via FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest.

Enter to Win a 3 Month Membership:
2 winners. Each will receive a 3 month membership to FarFaria. (ARV $11.97)

The event is open from 5/18/14 through 6/1/14 11:59 PM ET. Open to US Residents only.  The winner will be chosen at random and will be notified via the email they used to enter the contest. If after 48 hours, there is no response, another winner will be chosen. Uniform Mom is not responsible for fulfillment of the prize. Open to US residents, 18+ only.

Disclosure: Uniform Mom, the organizer, was recently provided a membership from the sponsor to facilitate an review but was not provided additional compensation to organize this giveaway. Uniform Mom is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Please contact Uniform Mom with questions or to see your business or product featured on the next event! This giveaway is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

(Photo By Marcus Quigmire from Florida, USA (SlideUploaded by Princess Mérida) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

FarFaria, a great app for early readers

I was invited by FarFaria to try out their app. To facilitate this review, they gifted me a subscription to try it out for a few month.  My daughter is in first grade and her class has been focused on learning to read this school year.  My husband and I have been supporting the lessons at school by reading with her or reading to her every night. We have a nice collection of traditional paper books, as well as some electronic books on the iPad. So I was happy to take a look at FarFaria's offering because we welcome any additional access to books at her reading level.

What's included with the App

We downloaded the app with ease using search to find it in the iTunes store.  You can use the free version of the app getting access to one story per day. If you purchase the monthly subscription for $3.99, you get unlimited access to over 700 stories and new ones are added each week. You can also opt for the annual subscription for $39.99.

 How Does it Work

It is skillfully designed with both images and words which enables toddlers and the earliest readers navigate around and explore the app. The stories are organized by categories such as Adventure Island, Animal Kingdom, Fairytale Forest, Mt. Make Believe, Classics Grove, Bedtime Bluffs, Good Land, etc.  When you tap to enter a grouping, you can then view the stores alphabetically, by reading level, newest or most popular.  We found that they have a nice choice of stories for reading levels in each grouping.  Ther are four different reading levels.

FarFaria Mt Make Beleive image

Once you select a book,you get 3 choices: Auto Play, Read to Me, and Read Myself.  When we selected the level one books, I had my daughter read those aloud.  Because she is currently a level 2 reader, her teacher suggested we have her re-read easier books to help improve her confidence reading.  We found that the level two and three books give her more of a challenge with words that might be new to her.  With books at a higher level, she can choose the "Read To Me" options.  This option highlights the words as the reader reads the word aloud so early readers can get exposure to more and more new words.

FarFaria app, book selection image

When you mark a book a favorite, it downloads a copy to the local device meaning you can use it in places where you don't have Internet access. We found this feature very useful on a recent road trip.  Our daughter was in the backseat by herself and she could open the app, find her favorite stories and select to have them read to her.  With headphones plugged into the iPad, this made for a peaceful trip for all of us.

The Book Selection

Our first night with the app, my daughter chose to read a title called the "Susie and the Snot Monster", which was about a little girl fighting off a cold. That same night we moved on to find many other titles we enjoyed. Over the past few weeks, we read some classics, some fairy tales, and some animal stories.  The category of "Preschool Playground" looks to contain titles that are now too simple for my daughter, but they are just the types of books we read with her when she was younger.  Families with 2 or more kids at different reading levels can find books at the right level for each one.  With so many titles to choose from, there really is something for everyone.

While researching the app, I learned that the stories are independently sourced and illustrated which is why you won't find the same popular children's stories that you'd find at your local bookstore.  The classics section contains many stories made popular by Disney that many children enjoy, but here they are presented in traditional fashion.  A lesson I learned the hard way is that you need to be careful with classic titles.  We have a hardback book of classics and one night I was reading the little red riding hood to my then preschool aged daughter, I realized halfway through that it was a version of the story where the wolf eats Grandma and the woodsman kills the wolf and cuts Grandma out of its belly. Yea, a bit much for the preschool set.  So, I checked this app and was pleased to find a G rated version of the story where Grandma had been rescued by the woodsman from the closet. Whew- much easier than modifying the story on the fly.

My take

Our daughter is an avid iPad user, so she is very comfortable navigating around various apps.  We have purchased several different types of iPad books for her such as fully interactive stories as well as several classics that were nicely illustrated. While those titles were well done, they cost $3.99-$5.99 per title and she quickly grew tired of them.  I like how this app gives you access to so many stories for one flat subscription fee.

In the evening, we welcome the pop up reminder, "Gather Round FarFarians,..." reminding us that it's story time.  In the few weeks we've been playing with it, we all (my husband, my daughter and I) enjoy using it and I think it is well worth the monthly subscription fee.  They recommend the app with kids 2-9 and I think that their recommendation is right on.  While my 7 year old enjoys chapter books, she isn't ready yet to read them on her own.  These titles are easy to match with her reading level.

Try FarFaria

iPad users can Download from iTunes and Android users can download from Google Play. The free version allows you to read one story every day for free with no obligation to pay. FarFaria is also sponsoring a giveaway which will be hosted here on Uniform Mom beginning on May 18th, 2014.  Two winners will each will receive a 3 month membership to FarFaria. (ARV $11.97)  Please check back to enter to win a 3 month subscription to FarFaria for you and your child to enjoy.

You can also connect with FarFaria online at their website or via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sale Alert: Graduation Announcements at Tiny Prints #Ad

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Thanks for Supporting Uniform Mom

Graduation season is here. Your little one isn't so little anymore and it's time to announce to the world that he or she is finally leaving the asylum...I mean, whatever school they are in.


Now it's time to announce it in style with classy invitations from Tiny Prints, who is having their best sale of the entire year on graduation announcements and graduation party invitations. From now until May 13, new customers can get 30% off PLUS free shipping!

Here's how to take advantage of this great offer:
  1. Visit Tiny Prints Graduation Page and browse their selection of more than a thousand designs.
  2. Choose the design you like.
  3. Add pictures, customize the text, and make them awesome in your own style (you might want to involve that "little one" too).
  4. When you checkout, use the code GRAD30FS to save 30% and get free shipping (reminder: it's good for new customers only, but if you are a previous customer, you can still save up to 25% using the code GRAD25MAY).
  5. Once you get the cards, announce it to the world. (Make sure to order a few extra as keepsakes, though).

Tiny Prints Graduation Announcements and Invitations

Thursday, May 8, 2014

zulily #MyMomIs Mother's Day Campaign

Is your mom a hero, a great cook, an inspiration, your best friend... or something else equally as special? 

Every mom is one of a kind. zulily wants to hear about yours. This Mother's Day, zulily is celebrating moms by asking kids (big and small) to share photos answering the prompt “My Mom Is _____.” The photos will be displayed in a gallery for the world to view at

Watch the video for inspiration:

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Thanks for Supporting Uniform Mom

To join the celebration: 

  1. Download zulily’s sign (download is available here) or create your own, 
  2. Grab a pen, marker, or crayon and fill in the blank completing your #MyMomIs sign
  3. Take a picture with the sign 
  4. Share the photo via social media by tagging #MyMomIs or uploading the photo directly to the gallery on the zulily #MyMomIs webpage
To learn more about zulily and shop for the hottest trends for moms of all ages and their kids go to

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Uniform Consignment has gone Mobile!

Uniform Consignment Truck
copyright 2014 Uniform Consignment. Used with Permission.

Uniform Consignment has gone mobile. Literally.

Early last Spring, I shared a interview with the owner of a Uniform Consignment business in the Denver area. The previous owner offered highly personalized customer service via in person appointments to local customers and also sold items online.  She grew the business and sold when it grew too large to be run out out of her home.  The new owner took over last summer.  She considered opening a storefront, but realized that this niche business is at its best when you can take the uniforms on the road.  The Uniform Consignment Truck was born.

"The Uniform Truck is officially up and running and ready to come to a location near you! We carry pants, shorts, shirts, sweatshirts, jumpers, skorts, skirts and more..... just ask us. We will set up for a two - three hour block of time, take consignments and buy backs as well as sell items during our stay."                         
 Melanie Kirkpatrick, Owner of Uniform Consignment

The food truck businesses that have become so popular in many cities helped paved the way for a mobile storefront, with local governments setting guidelines on when and where you can park and open the doors to customers. Uniform Consignment sets up a schedule to visit specific schools or local parks during morning hours and promotes it via Facebook.  Visibility of the big box truck also helps let customers know they can stop by. They also hold joint promotions with local traditional consignment store fronts by parking in front of the partnering store at advertised times so families can visit both stores on the same visit.

Those of you in the Denver area can Like Uniform Consignment on Facebook to keep up on when "the Truck" will be in your area.  And for those of you that might be running the uniform locker or exchange program at your local school, I've invited Melanie to share with us on occasion the lessons she's learned along the way about operating a uniform consignment operation.

Related Posts:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Kids Crocs for Summertime

Crocs, Inc.Crocs Inc. was born in Boulder, Colo. in 2002 as the maker of a simple, comfortable boat shoe.  The crocs clogs shoes we've all seen is made of material called Croslite™, which is a "a proprietary closed-cell resin that gives each pair of shoes its soft, comfortable, lightweight, non-marking and odor-resistant qualities."  Today, you can now “Get Crocs Inside” in newer styles, including canvas sneakers, leather boots, heels and sandals.  They have also expanded into new lines such as the Ocean Minded™ by Crocs which is a line of men’s, women’s and kids’ sandals and apparel inspired by and perfect for the beach and warm-weather wearing occasions. Golfers can check out their new Crocs™ Golf collection that features a number of men’s and women’s styles that can be worn both on and off the course.

As an affiliate partner, I recently visited their website looking for children's shoes for summertime.  Many summer camp's require a closed toe shoe, no  flip flips or sandals are allowed.  Kids want simple, comfortable shoes that will take from from the playground to the pool. We , s parents, want them to last through summer vacation without turning into little stink bombs. Below are a few cute, summertime selections:

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Crocs Iris / Neon Purple Girls' Duet Busy Day Mary Jane (Children's) Shoes $34.99

Crocs Ice Blue / Iris Girls' Crocband Airy Hearts Flat (Children's) Heart Flat

Crocs Navy / White Kids' Beach Line Lace Boat Shoe Shoes available in both Children's $39.99 and Juniors $44.99

Crocs Black / Black Kids' Swiftwater Sandal (Juniors') Shoes $34.99

Crocs Ultraviolet / Black Kids' Hover Sneak Metallic Kids' Comfortable Sneakers also available in Fuchsia $39.99

Crocs, Inc.

Mother's Day Jewelry Giveaway (ARV $75, Ends 5/11/14)

Welcome to the Mother's Day Jewelry Giveaway

Hosted By: Uniform Mom
Sponsored by: Watermelan Designs

Jewelry from Watermelan Designs is handcrafted with carefully selected, high quality materials. The pieces reflect the sophisticated, yet playful nature of the designer. The current collection is skillfully crafted to feature beautiful stones and unique clasps that beg to be displayed rather than hidden in the back. Some of her most popular pieces include a hint of a contrasting color used in just the right way. Moms everywhere recognize that this piece didn't come from some box store - Jewelry from Watermelan Designs is special.

One winner will receive the double strand turquoise necklace with a rhinestone clasp and yellow accents. (AVR $75, see photo.)

The event is open from 4/28/14 through 5/12/14 12:00 AM ET. Open to US Residents only.  The winner will be chosen at random and will be notified via the email they used to enter the contest. If after 48 hours, there is no response, another winner will be chosen. Uniform Mom is not responsible for fulfillment of the prize. Open to US residents, 18+ only.

To enter for your chance to win the Mother's Day Jewelry Giveaway, simply use the form below. Good Luck!

Disclosure: Uniform Mom, the organizer, was not provided compensation to organize this giveaway. Uniform Mom is not responsible for sponsor prize shipment. Please contact Uniform Mom with questions or to see your business or product featured on the next event! This giveaway is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

(Photo used with permission from Watermelan Designs.)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Olly Shoes School Fundraiser

Shop Olly Kids Shoes Today For Great Brands and SavingsI'm always on the lookout to learn about school fundraising programs, especially those that relate to school clothing.  So given that it is National Foot Car month, I was pleased to learn that Olly Shoes partners with local area schools and offer either a discount on required shoes to parents or a percentage of sales back to the school to assist in funding school programs.

If you missed it, you can check out the Retail Round Up post on Olly Shoes from earlier this month which features several great selections fro school shoes.  There is a useful link labeled School Shoes in the upper right hand header of their web page to take you right to the selection of great school shoes including pediped, School Issue, Merrell, Jumping Jacks, Sperry, Puma, and New Balance.  They also carry Jefferies socks and tights.

So far, they are working with schools in PA, DE, MD and NJ. To receive information about our program and get your school involved, email your request to

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Thanks for Supporting Uniform Mom

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

FarFaria Membership Giveaway #BloggerOp

Family friendly blogs are encouraged to signup to help promote the Avoid the Summer Slide FarFaria Giveaway.  This giveaway is sponsored by FarFaria. The FarFaria app offers more than 600 children’s books for the iPad and Android devices targeting kids ages 2 - 9.

Free Facebook or Twitter Link on Rafflecopter Form for posting this giveaway on your blog.

2 Winners. Each will get a 3-month memberships. (ARV $11.97)

Giveaway Details:
It will run from May 18 - June 1, 2014.
Giveaway will be Open to US Residents 18+.

Your Responsibilities:
Schedule the giveaway post to go live on May 18
Promote the giveaway on your social media at least 6 times during the course of this giveaway.

Sign Up Form

Questions: please contact me at